For many years Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering at Warsaw University of Technology provided Gas Turbine Center with best qualified new engineers. Faculty constantly seeks ways to adapt to modern business environment demands. This is why last year the dean of Faculty, professor Janusz Frączek, established an advisory board in order to plan new ways of engineer development suitable for today’s requirements. Michał Małecki, Gas Turbine Center Executive Manager, actively participates in board meetings representing GTC and EDC views.
During the official visit at EDCs Gas Turbine Center professor Janusz Frączek met with GE Power Vice President, John Lammas, who presented him with an award in recognition of his efforts in gas turbine development by educating new generations of competent engineers.
Fot. 1 John Lammas (VP GE Power), Michał Małecki (Executive Manager at GE Power), Janusz Frączek (Dean of PAE faculty, WUT) (fot. Communication Team EDC)