Guests from all over Europe visited Engineering Design Center during Ada-Europe 24th International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies. From 11 to 14 June EDC hosted keynote speakers seminars, exhibitions, tutorials and a workshop concerning „Challenges and new Approaches for Dependable and Cyber-Physical Systems Engineering”.
The ADA conference is a leading international forum for providers, practitioners and researchers in reliable software technologies. This year for the first time ADA conference took place in Poland.
Presentations given during this years event illustrated current work in the theory and practice of the design, development and maintenance of long-lived, high-quality software systems for a challenging variety of application domains.
The topics of interest for the conference included, but were not limited to: Design and Implementation of Real-Time and Embedded Systems, Design and Implementation of Mixed-Criticality Systems, Theory and Practice of High-Integrity Systems, Software Architectures for Reliable Systems, Methods and Techniques for Quality Software Development and Maintenance, Ada Language and Technologies, Mainstream and Emerging Applications with Reliability Requirements, Achieving and Assuring Safety in Machine Learning Systems, Experience Reports on Reliable System Development, Experiences with Ada.
If you want to learn more about participants thoughts after the event check out these links: