On October 4th, EDC took part in the finals of the 3rd edition of the “Startups in the Palace” themed “Polish startups going global”. This event was organized by the Chancellery of the President and Startup Poland Foundation. It was aimed at helping Polish startups developing groundbreaking technologies and ideas entering global markets. It was attended by President of the Republic of Poland Mr. Andrzej Duda and representatives of companies for whom innovation and promotion of technological thought is vital. Organizers invited EDC as they spotted our high Culture of Innovation and our contribution to the development of technology. They also appreciated our good cooperation with universities. “EDC supports startups as 20 years ago we also were one of them. We didn’t call ourselves Startup, but we were one. Today we help those who begin their businesses. Just like in our daily work, we believe in new ideas and in creative people who create them” – said EDC Site Leader – Marian Lubieniecki, who represented EDC during this event.
At the meeting, 10 Polish startups from the sectors of: energy, artificial intelligence, advanced material solutions, telemedicine, electro-mobility, modern education, blockchain and FinTech, presented their ideas. “All the presentations were interesting, but I paid special attention to three of them – LGM S.A., Nanoceramics and Virtual Power Plant Sp. z o.o. (VPPlant). I think those are initiatives worth giving them a closer look” – said EDC Site Leader.
The event “Startups in the Palace” showed that Poland is becoming more and more innovative country, especially in the areas of big data (19% of all startups), analytics and business intelligence (17%), internet of things (14%) and programmer & development tools (14%). In 2017, 621 official startups were registered – 20% more than last year and nearly 50% more than in 2015. It shows that the culture of innovation in Poland is growing each year.