We are pleased to announce that members of EDC Triathlon group finished holidays with noticeable successes:
- on Sunday, September 10th, Radek Serwiński took part in the Ironman 70.3 Word Championship (1,9 km swim, 90 km bike ride and 21,1 km run) in Chattanooga, Teneesee, USA, finishing the race in less than 5 hours;
- week earlier, on Sunday, September 3rd, Greg Narojek debuted in the full Ironman in Malbork. He swam 3,8 km, rode 180 km on a bike and run a marathon, all in 11:19:37;
- also in Malbork, team: Tomek Falkowski, Tomek Garczarczyk and Arek Rogulski finished Half Ironman relay on the 4th place, improving their time from last year.
And those are not only successes of the Trifun group this summer. From May till August several athletes started in Poland and abroad in triathlons of different length, finishing them in impressive times.
Who are members of EDC Trifun – triathlon group? Those are our engineers, who work full time and train in their free time. They meet to exchange experiences, encourage new people to train and talk about their trainings and starts. And they are not the only group of sports enthusiasts at EDC. The group exist next to bikers, climbers, runners, swimmers, kayakers and 7 other sports groups. In EDC we really know what work-life balance mean.. :)