On Monday, June 11th, Agile Transformation Team (aka Scrum Masters) organized a unique event “Agile Day” at EDC. Almost 70 participants attended this internal conference with lecture, workshops and a discussion panel. It was an opportunity to understand how Agile approach can bring benefits to daily work, help deliver creative products and ensure great customer value. Attendants learnt how to use Kanban & Scrum, not only in software development but also in other engineering areas. During the Agile Leadership workshop they heard that agile transformation requires culture change on all levels of organization and a new model of leadership is necessary to nurture innovation. Programmers attended Agile Software Development workshop, where they could deepen their skills in decomposing requirements.
At the end of this event, during the discussion panel, Marian Lubieniecki (ECD Site Leader), Paweł Stężycki (Institute of Aviation Director), Paweł Zakrzewski (Senior Director, Avionics & Digital Solutions) and Małgorzata Kojro-Piotrowska (Agile Transformation Leader) answered attendees questions about Agile.