AMBER – Innovative Demonstrator for Hybrid-electric Regional Application
AMBER – InnovAtive DeMonstrator for hyBrid-Electric Regional Application
The strategic goal of the AMBER project is to develop a hybrid-electric propulsion system, fuel cell based, for next-generation regional aircraft with Entry Into Service by 2035.
Amber will meet the ambitious environmental goals set out in Clean Aviation strategy and answer urgent need to decarbonize global industry and to drastically reduce pollutant emissions across all sectors, including aviation. The development of a hybrid-electric propulsion system for regional aircraft with at least 50% hybridization that can allow for a mission fuel burn reduction by at least 50% compared to 2020 state-of-the-art regional aircraft. A thermal engine that allows for usage of 100% sustainable aviation fuel, will enable to reduce lifecycle GHG emissions by 90% and thus close to zero.
For more information on the project as well as full list of entities involved in its implementation, please visit CORDIS database.
1 January 2023 – 31 March 2026
Total project budget: € 43,494,935.34 incl. € 33,760,000.00 of EU grant
GE Aerospace Poland total budget: € 1,800,000.11 incl. € 1,260,000.08 of EU grant