Avionics and Onboard Systems Laboratory – SKYLAB
Who we are
The Avionics and On-Board Systems Laboratory specializes in testing avionic devices and systems. The data concentrators and cockpit displays are main research subjects.
The laboratory is equipped with precise control and measurement equipment enabling work on a wide range of electronic devices. Our resources also include machines that allow to simulate the environment for the tested object or model the prototype itself.
The available laboratory equipment enables automated, remote and safe testing. We have the possibility to build more than 20 stands in a space with controlled environmental parameters (temperature, humidity, power supply).
The entire space meets the requirements of EN61340-5-1 for a zone protected against electrostatic discharge, the so-called ESD. The laboratory has a certificate of compliance with the AS9100 standard, which is a guarantee of meeting the highest quality standards in the aviation industry.
What we do
On our 22 testing stands we can conduct remote and fully automatic software tests and work on the software and embedded software development and validation.
We took part in many cross-business projects, for example a software tool that helps executing automated tests during verification of safety-critical products – Test PASS was tested here.
Any other testing needs?
Contact us!
605 602 543