Starting from August 1st, 120 top European technical students will compete in the European BEST Engineering Competition (EBEC) Final organized by BEST (Board of European Students of Technology). EBEC Final will take place at the Warsaw University of Technology.
More than 6500 students participated in the local rounds of the competition, 600 in the national or regional rounds, while the best 120 students will have a chance to meet in Warsaw in order to compete for the title of the best Engineering Student Team in Europe. They will have the chance to experience intensive teamwork, cross cultural communication and an enlightening opportunity to improve themselves.
EBEC Final will gather 30 teams, each composed of four students. These teams, gathered from 15 National and Regional BEST Engineering Competitions respectively, are now gearing up to face real life engineering challenges in the categories Team Design (practical solution with a physical prototype) and Case Study (hypothetical solutions for real-life problems).
This year EDC Polska has decided to become a strategic partner for this 2013 Warsaw EBEC final. One of the tasks the engineering teams are going to solve was designed in cooperation with EDC team. It will help future engineers to understand, develop and solve problems that we are tackling on daily basis. It is a great connection between school theory and real-life issues that engineers have to deal with every day.
More on that event can be found at