Our employees are always very active if it comes to charity and volunteering. With the Christmas time approaching this kind of actions became even more intensive.
Within the “Szlachetna Paczka”, a really great and well-recognized initiative, EDC community supported three wonderful families and certainly delivered great results. We managed to buy or collect the items the families requested as major needs – a fridge, a sofa bed, jackets, shoes, clothes, bedding, food and many more.
We also asked EDC employees to check their wardrobes to help those in need. Supporting the 3rd edition of “Christmas Dinner for the homeless” initiative we have collected warm clothing items that are no longer needed. The goal is to gather homeless people in the center of Warsaw the day before Christmas Eve and hand them the gifts.
We would like to thank everyone who decided to support all the charity actions – we really appreciate it. Once again the EDC community has proved that we are not indifferent to the wrong and needs of those less fortunate, and we are always eager to help.