In June 2018, 20 students from various US universities, visited EDC taking part in the 2nd edition of the Presidential Scholarship in Poland. They visited our laboratories and talked with our engineers about their projects and careers.

The whole program was organiz

ed by GE, the Chancellery of the Polish President and the Polish-Slavic Federal Credit Union (PSFCU). It lasted 10 days and during that time student not only visited EDC, but also went to the headquarters of GE in Wrocław, where they saw the generator factory and met with the management of the company. They also made a trip to AGH U

niversity of Science and Technology, the Parliament, National Bank of Poland and many other institutions.

One aim of the program was to immerse the students in Poland’s culture, economy and government ecosystem. A few more goals for the program were to highlight the importance of the Poland – U.S. partnership, that GE’s technology is helping to advance Poland, the impact of policy and trade to the partnership and to provide an amazing opportunity for the students to learn and grow.

What the participants think about the program? Why did they decide to take part in that scholarship? We talked with two of them, who are on internships in GE. Please read this interview with Jeanne-Marie Potthast and Zachary Hase.


fot. Jakub Szymczak / KPRP